Seventeen Magazine March 2017
Pixi's Nail Colour was mentioned in Seventeen Magazine's "Organize Like a Vlogger", where they interviewed Pixi Pretty Aspyn Ovard.
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On-the-Glow Bronze was featured in "Time For a Mocha Makeover" in Us Weekly.
Read morePixi's Nail Colour was mentioned in Seventeen Magazine's "Organize Like a Vlogger", where they interviewed Pixi Pretty Aspyn Ovard.
Pixi + ItsJudyTime product GettheLook-ItsLipTime mentioned in Glamour Magazine's Beauty Impulse Buy.
Good Housekeeping Magazine mentioned Pixi's Mesmerizing Mineral Palette as one of their Beauty Buys Under $25
Pixi's Glow Mist was featured in Health Magazine's "Beyond Moisturizer" article.
Dr. Oz The Good Life highlighted Pixi Peel & Polish as part of its "Undercover Fresh New Skin" article.
Pixi's Glow O2 Oxygen Mask is featured in Essence Magazine's "Beauty Gotta Have It" spread.