Clin D'oeil
Clin D'oeil featured Glow Tonic.
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On-the-Glow Bronze was featured in "Time For a Mocha Makeover" in Us Weekly.
Read moreClin D'oeil featured Glow Tonic.
"Upgrade your lash game with one of these mascaras, which promise to lift, extend, curl or volumize lashes like never before." -Julia, Canada Living
"I love low-pH alphahydroxy acid exfoliants like Pixi Glow Tonic.." -Michelle, New Beauty
"This ombre face palette is so convenient, said one mom. Swirl your brush in the lighter shades for a daytime look, and then use the darker colors for night, added...
"This liner earned top reviews for going on smoothly and lasting all day, but some testers weren't huge fans of the thicker tip and said it felt clumsy to use."...
Pixi by Petra H20 Skin Tint-"We have a hard time deciding what we love most about this skin tint, so we'll call it a four-way tie between the even, natural coverage,...